Take A Moment for Bus Stop Breathing
Take A Moment
Bus Stop Breathing
Life is like a series of bus stops. The challenge is remembering to step off the bus, sit a while at the stop and be with yousrelf in your surroundings, whatever the view and whatever the weather. The weather for you that day might be sunny, with a warm and gentle breeze, blue sky and fluffy white clouds, it might be showery, with a rainbow in the distance brightening the sky with its beautiful colours like a promise, there could be black skies and thunder threatening just over the hill, or dark skies with a cold wind biting around your neck. Whatever your weather forecast is that day, know that you can always step off the bus and take shelter. Take five minutes to sit and breathe. Breathe in through your nose, if you're visual, imagine seeing your breath flowing through your body. Then breathe all the way out again. Making no judgment of your experience, just notice how you are at that moment. Just five minutes of breathing this way can bring a sense of calmness and grounding. There's no getting it right or wrong and some days you may find it harder, particularly if your weather that day is challenging. We breathe normally every minute of the day but breathing deeply is something we often forget to do and in times of stress and panic you may become aware you hold your breath.
Let me know if this helped you get back on the bus.
Lisa Buckingham 2017
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